Industri Servis community friend
Nowadays, the company’s success is valued through the perceived social responsibility, even more than the economic profitability. Hence, Industry Service continues to engage in socially responsible actions that have a positive impact on the community.
In times when the society is affected by health and economic crisis caused by coronavirus, our company supported several public health facilities in their fight against the same.
Industry Service donated funds aimed for modernization of the technical equipment used by the Institute of Public Health in their vital research for the coronavirus. Also, we have purchased and donated 257 protective hazmat suits to the Directorate for Protection and Rescue and another 100 hazmat suits to the PHI Health Center in Strumica. These medical suits were part of the donations we made aimed for greater safety and protection of health professionals and other essential workers.
Industry Service's mission and long-term imperative are to remain contributing back to the society in which we operate.