Industry Service LLC - Skopje is a leader in the Macedonian market for organized nutrition and industrial catering as a service intended for the needs of the industry. We started in 2002, in our first business unit, to achieve growth and development that set us up to the leading position on the market. We are proud of our success which is a result of our commitment to the fundamental values of integrity, honesty and respecting the laws.
Applying the concept business to business, completely orienting toward the valued Client, Industry Service as an outsourcing company successfully functions 365 days a year, in three shifts, preparing a meal for the employees in some of the largest companies in the Republic of Macedonia. In each of our business units the restaurant is of closed type and it is intended exclusively for the needs of the Client, where all employees are covered according to the principle of organized food with a complete menu meal. The technological process for food preparation is in accordance with the strictly established norms and working instructions, in the most modern sanitary and technical working conditions, in accordance with the good manufacturing and hygiene practices and the requirements of the HACCP system for food safety.
Today, as the largest food operator in the Republic of Macedonia, in all our business units, we prepare and serve up to 9,000 meals daily, thus surpassing the number of over 2,000,000 prepared and served meals annually.
About our success so far is also the fact that our company as a food operator is in the group of 200 most successful companies in the Republic of Macedonia, and at the same time we are part of the group of large taxpayers.

Our Numbers

Meals daily





Our mission is to deliver to each customer the best value, through superior service, safe product and verified quality.
Let's continue the growth and development rate and maintain the leading position on the market - the success we are proud of and which is a result of our commitment to the fundamental values of integrity, honesty and respecting the laws.
Social responsibility
Industry Service is a company dedicated to ethical business and social responsibility
We are a socially responsible company that positively contributes to the community that supports us, whereto in many occasions we have donated part of the profit for socially disadvantaged groups. We actively support sport and cultural events in the communities where our business units are located.
We are dedicated and we have obligation our services and products that we provide for our Clients to be in full compliance with all applicable laws in the field of food safety, HACCP system, safety and health laws at work as well as protection of the environment.
In addition, at company level, we have established a system for ensuring the safety of our products and services through an insurance policy for liability to third parties for incurred and reported damages.

The beginnings date from 2002 with the signing of a cooperation agreement with the metallurgical nickel production plant - FENI INDUSTRIES Kavadarci (daughter company of Cunico Resources and BSG Resources Ltd) for organizing of collective nutrition, where daily are prepared and served up to 900 meals, i.e. 20,000 monthly.
Since April 2005, a nutrition has been organized in the mine for copper and gold - BUCIM Radovish, where daily are prepared and served up to 700 meals, i.e. 14,000 monthly.
In May 2009, we successfully certified the HACCP system by an internationally accredited body.
Since July 2011, cooperation with the Tobacco Purchase and Processing Factory has started - SOCOTAB Bitola (daughter company of the Swiss Socotab Frana SA.), where depending on the seasonal variation of employees, daily are prepared and served 300 to 700 meals, i.e. up to 12,000 meals monthly.
In August 2013, a cooperation agreement was signed with DRÄXLMAIER Kavadarci, a German automotive company, our biggest client, where we daily care about the nutrition of 5,500 employees, preparing up to 115,000 meals during the month.
In March 2014, at the level of the whole company, we upgraded the HACCP system by implementing and certifying a food safety management system - ISO 22000:2005 by an internationally accredited body.
Since May 2015, we also provide our services in MARQUARDT Veles, a German automotive company, where daily are prepared and served up to 500 meals, over 10,000 monthly.
With the American company from the automotive industry, LEAR CORPORATION, in September 2017 we signed a Cooperation Agreement and we invested in fully updating the capacities of the kitchen. Today, for this client we prepare and serve up to 1,300 meals daily, i.e. up to 28,000 meals during the month.
In 2018, Industry Service
starts the largest investment project in the development strategy of the company. At its
location in the region of Skopje we are building a completely new hall with the most modern
technology and catering equipment for preparing, transporting and serving food, industrial
catering. The new project has the capacity to prepare and serve an additional 9,000 meals
on a daily basis, i.e. over 2,000,000 meals yearly. The total constructive developed area
will be 1,800 m2 which will be the largest and the most modern
catering capacity of this type in the Republic of Macedonia.
Hall construction and kitchen availability for food preparation and transportation.